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What Our Clients Say
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Graduate student
University of Iceland
I applied to the programme because I wanted more education. I have found it very enjoyable to be at the University. What stands out is getting to know students from other courses. I got a job where I had my work study which is a social center, I would like to continue working there after I graduate. It's really fun to be in college, so I encourage everyone interested to apply.

Administration Staff, University of Education Salzburg
Sabine Lumetzberger
I like the constructive atmosphere during BLuE team meetings. Everyone is committed to the project. We do our best to facilitate an inclusive culture at the university and to solve problems quickly. It is sometimes challenging but very rewarding!

Student écolsiv, Institut Unterstrass at the Zurich University of Teacher Education
Damian Bright
Das Studium ist ein Kraftakt – aber es funktioniert! Ich brauche nur mehr Zeit als meine Kolleginnen und Kollegen. In der Langsamkeit liegt auch meine Stärke. Es entgeht uns viel weniger, wenn wir langsam sind. Das anerkennen auch meine Mitstudentinnen und Mitstudenten.

Business Partner of TCPID, Trinity College, Dublin
Phoenix Recruitment
We are honoured to be partnering with the TCPID, Trinity College Dublin, for the next 3 years. This is an incredible program that provides real opportunities to those that historically have been left out of normal academic and working life.

Vice Rector, University of Education Salzburg
Wolfgang Plaute
It is lovely to see how positive the programme influences our whole institution. We all learn from each other. It is a great experience for us all!

Graduate student
University of Iceland
I applied because what I had heard about the programme felt exciting. The training is great, it has boosted my confidence and I have met new people. I am on the preschool line and have learned a lot that I can use in my work study. When I graduate, I want to work in a preschool. I encourage everyone interested in applying for the programme because it provides all kinds of opportunities.

Business Partner of TCPID, Trinity College, Dublin
An Post
I honestly believe that our teams at An Post have been wonderfully uplifted and enriched thanks to our partnership with the Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disability.

Lecturer with BLuE Program, University of Education Salzburg
Nicola Sommer
I want to adress a great online seminar we had: Our inclusive student D. presented a self-made lapbook, while also adressing questions from the chat. He talked about the topic in an entertaining way. It was awesome!

TCPID Graduate, Trinity College, Dublin
Barry Olwill
I came to Trinity because I wanted to experience college life and I love learning about new things.