In this section, you can find resources related to developing a Post-Secondary Education Programme for people with intellectual disabilities. The contributions are collected by professionals all over Europe.
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Displaying 7-12 of 25
Gemeinsam forschen - Gemeinsam lernen. Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten in der Partizpativen Gesundheitsforschung. Diese Projektdokumentation beinhaltet die Ergebnisse einer Zusammenarbeit zwischen einer Werkstatt für behinderte Menschen und der Hoc ... read more
Catholic University of Applied Sciences Berlin
In dieser Publikation bieten wir Ihnen vier thematisch abgeschlossene Seminare zu relevanten Themen der Gesundheitsförderung für Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten an. Die Inhalte der Seminare wurden gemeinsam mit Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeite ... read more
Catholic University of Applied Sciences Berlin
Our team took the extra effort to translate our curriculum to German so it may be easily used by all future allies in German-speaking regions. We are looking forward to working with you!
University of Education Salzburg
Activites to promote inclusion in a diverse workplace community.
University of Iceland, School of Education
Ideas for Team-building activities to promote diversity and inclusion in a workplace or organisation.
University of Iceland, School of Education
A series of six videos about UDL created by the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Oakland University. The series focuses on how UDL can apply to a college setting, but also provides guiding points for other levels of education.
University of Iceland, School of Education